Words are great tools for changing our mindsets. It can be our source of ideas and motivations. Right words at right moments surely can change our prespective on how we handle things and make us feel great. The truth is, the efforts to believe in those words must come from us and let its give you the urge to survive the day of hardship! You doesn't necessarily need thousand words but a short three word quote is enough to force something out of you. Let the words do the magic.
No matter how upset or down you are feeling lately, words of quote are always nice. If your friend too feel the downside of life, share these words to brighten their moods. Words can spark a moment of hope dan joy in someone's heart. To help you guys out, I have summarized a list of three word quotes that you should share with anyone.

Three Word Quotes 

1. Do it now - if you still waiting for the perfect time, you are wasting your time. Just do it now.

2. Let it go - When things seem to trouble you, let them go. It's okay to move forward and explore new things that come to your way.

3. Believe in yourself - Nothing is impossible once you believe in yourself. Aim high and have a faith that you're going to success. 

4. Be a giver - Instead of just taking from others,be a giver. Let it be your habit. Help others and make the world a better place.

5. Change is good - Everyday we are changing inside out since we are human. It can be something new and necessary for our soul and mind. Remember, it's always good to have a change.

6. Count your blessings - It's fine that sometimes we get sad. But how often you count your blessings and feel blessed? Think of it and see how blessed you are.

7. Try something new - Don't afraid to try somethings new in your life. Try new adventures and be outside your comfort zones. If something isn't working, try something else. Enjoy the process of trying in your life. Trust me, its worth it.

8. Dreams come true -  People chase and struggle for their dreams every day. It's a sign that dreams are wonderful and achieveable. Be a dreamer and hustle until those dreams become realities.

9. Never give up - No matter how hard life push you, rise and give everythimg you have. If you are thrown six times, stand up for the seventh times. Never let your weakness surpass your limit.

10. Nobody is perfect - Stop being a perfectionist at every stage of life. It's alright if  you are making mistakes. It's fine if you not the best in everything.
